Rules in C Lang.

Some Rules in C language::

\n Newline. Position the cursor at the beginning of the next line.
\t Horizontal tab. Move the cursor to the next tab stop.
\\ Backslash. Compiler doesn't read this line.
\" Double quote. Compiler doesn't read this paragraph.

Functions carried out by #include<stdio.h> are printf(); & scanf();
Functions carried out by #include<conio.h> are clrscr(); & getch();

printf(); = It prints the line that we have enter in the input.
scanf();  = It asks the user to enter a Digit or Character.
clrscr(); = It clears the screen after every execution.
getch();  = It holds the output screen untill user presses any key.

Example ::

printf("Hello World");       = Hello world
scanf("%d",&a);              = it asks user to enter any integer.(Here %d=Integer
                               ,%f=float(Decimal Values),%c=Character. 
                               And '&a' is used to store the value that user have entered.)